Realization of Qur'anic Concept and Validity of Justice in Designing Housing

Document Type : Research Paper


دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهواز


        Religion of Islam is considered a comprehensive religion in all fields whose purpose is the happiness of mankind and guiding him towards perfection. The school of Islam is a religion that links human material issues with spiritualties and has never separated these two categories from each other. Quran is the most important source for the inference of judgments, and the judgments of the new issues are inferred by using generalities and references of the verses, and the relevant hadiths mentioned some examples of them, and not allocated and limited them. In this article, by referring to the Qur'an and narratives, the manifestation of the principle of "no determinet and detrimental act" as the most important principle of rights in urban and residential architecture has been investigated. The research method used in this study is a qualitative content analysis method, and the analysis of the buildings has been done using rational reasoning method. In the collection of information, historical documents and texts, library and Internet resources have been used. In this paper, samples of traditional homes and textures have been selected by targeted sampling method to investigate the legal principles such as no determinet and detrimental act in Iranian-Islamic architecture and urban planning. The results indicate that this principle as the most important principle related to the rights has affected all aspects of the Iranian-Islamic home architecture. These influences are derived from the concept of Islamic law, including neighboring rights, women's rights, the rights of parents and children, rights of guest and the right of construction in the architecture of buildings. Other principles, such as the issue of privacy and publicity, and the confidentiality of respect for other people, such as neighbors and pedestrians, considering the rights of pre-emption, respect for the rights of neighbors in the use of public resources such as water, sunlight, etc., considering cleaning and not to harm neighbors and others in terms of visual, audio and ... all are principles that are necessary in Islamic jurisprudence, and all these issues are considered in the Iranian-Islamic homes and cities.


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