تحلیلی بر عوامل موثر برناپایداری محلات شهری جهت بازآفرینی پایدار (مطالعه موردی: محلات شمالی بافت تاریخی – فرهنگی تبریز)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری ، دانشکده برنامه‌ریزی و علوم محیطی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران.

2 دانشیارگروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری ، دانشکده برنامه‌ریزی و علوم محیطی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران.

3 دانشجوی دکترای رشته جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکده برنامه‌ریزی و علوم محیطی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران



بازآفرینی شهری به‌منظور معکوس نمودن جریان تغییر و افت شهری هست. در بستر بازآفرینی شهری گونه‌های جدید سازمانی در حال شکل‌گیری هستند هدف آن‌ها نگاه توسعه از پایین به بالاست، که در آن ‌همه کنشگران درگیر می شود این امر موجب توسعه راه‌حل‌های پایدار در بلندمدت می‌شود در واقع توسعه پایدار جزء لاینفک بازآفرینی جهت بهبود وضعیت در ابعاد مختلف با نگاهی پایدار است برای رسیدن به این امر نیازمند تفکر درباره شهرها با رویکرد جامعه‌محور، یکپارچه، استراتژیک و فراگیر هست .این پژوهش عوامل موثر بر ناپاپداری محلات شمالی بافت تاریخی – فرهنگی تبریز را با رویکرد جامع و آینده پژوهی مورد مطالعه قرار داده است بر این مبنا روش پژوهش ، توصیفی- تحلیلی است. از منظر هدف از دسته تحقیق‌های کاربردی محسوب می‌شود. در جهت دستیابی به متغیرهای تحقیق به مرور پیشینه پژوهش پرداخته شد. متغیرهای بدست آمده، از طریق مصاحبه با متخصصان مورد بررسی قرار گرفت در نهایت 39 متغییر به عنوان عوامل موثر بر ناپایداری محلات شمالی بافت های تاریخی – فرهنگی شهر تبریز شناسایی شد. در این پژوهش از شاخص های اقتصادی، اجتماعی، کالبدی، زیست محیطی و مدیریتی استفاده شده است . سرانجام در قالب پرسشنامه به شکل ماتریس 39 *39 طبق نمونه گیری هدفمند در اختیار 15 نفر از کارشناسان و متخصصان که شناخت کافی در این زمینه داشتند؛ قرار گرفت. داده های به کار رفته در این پرسشنامه به صورت کمی و از طریق وزن دهی دلفی تهیه شده و جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها وارد نرم افزار Mic Mac شده است . یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که 15 عامل نقش کلیدی در پایداری محلات مورد مطالعه دارند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An analysis of the factors affecting the instability of urban neighborhoods for sustainable regeneration (Case study: Northern neighborhoods of the historical-cultural context of Tabriz)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Rasoul Ghorbani 1
  • Akbar Asagari Zamani 2
  • mahdieh tahooni 3
1 Prof, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
2 Associate Prof, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
3 Ph.D. Student in of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Urban regeneration is to reverse the flow of urban change and decline. In the context of urban regeneration, new types of organizations are being formed. Their goal is to look at development from the bottom up, in which all actors are involved. This leads to the development of sustainable solutions in the long run. Sustainable regeneration is an integral part of improving the situation in various dimensions with a sustainable perspective. To achieve this requires thinking about cities with a community-oriented, integrated, strategic and inclusive approach, and through the sustainability approach can achieve sustainable regeneration. Affecting the unpopularity of the northern neighborhoods has studied the historical-cultural context of Tabriz with a comprehensive and futuristic approach. Based on this, the research method is descriptive-analytical. It is considered as a category of applied research in terms of purpose. In order to achieve the research variables, the research background was reviewed. The variables obtained were examined through interviews with experts. Finally, 39 variables were identified as effective factors for the instability of the northern neighborhoods of the historical-cultural contexts of Tabriz. In this research, economic, social, physical, environmental and managerial indicators have been used. Finally, in the form of a questionnaire in the form of a 39 39 39 matrix, according to purposeful sampling, it was provided to 15 experts and specialists who had sufficient knowledge in this field; it placed. The data used in this questionnaire were prepared quantitatively by Delphi weighting and entered into Mic Mac software for data analysis. Findings showed that 15 factors play key roles in the sustainability of the study areas.
Extended Abstract
What has destroyed the stability of the northern neighborhoods of the historical-cultural context of Tabriz; The lack of a historical-cultural context plan is in line with the rules and regulations of urban planning, and as a result, ill-considered and erratic interventions have caused more instability in the studied context. Over the years, the density of texture has increased and the change of uses, especially the neglect of valuable historical-cultural uses, has become more problematic, and as a result, the hierarchy of communication networks does not respond to the existing density and uses. If current trends; The integration of historical-cultural contexts in the northern part of Tabriz will gradually disappear with the change of living methods and its consequences and the lack of balance between economic, social and environmental dimensions of historical and cultural contexts and the inefficiency of neighborhoods will increase day by day. As long as projects lead to constructions that respond only to economic demands, the long-term needs of citizens are ignored and the opportunity to preserve and create vibrant neighborhoods and sustainable communities is lost. In this case, households that have high financial capacity and are considered as the main driver of urban development and regeneration, will leave these neighborhoods and eventually these neighborhoods will have their meaning as a factor in establishing a social identity that once alleys and back alleys of these The segments were an emotional source for us, they are lost and the tissue instability intensifies.
The research method is based on the nature, subject and objectives of each research. The research method in terms of nature is a combination of descriptive-analytical methods and in terms of purpose, is part of the category of applied research. In general, the present article consists of two parts: the study and analysis of theoretical foundations and research background; To identify the dimensions and components and the second part includes providing a process model using interpretive structural modeling; This method, in a structured and systematic way, seeks to shape and understand the relationships between the elements in a complex system. The obtained variables were examined through interviews with experts (university professors and city managers). Finally, 39 variables were identified as factors affecting the instability of the northern neighborhoods of the historical-cultural contexts of Tabriz. Finally, the questionnaire in the form of 39 ⃰ 39 matrix according to purposeful sampling was provided to 15 experts and specialists who had sufficient knowledge in this field; it placed. The data used in this questionnaire were prepared quantitatively by Delphi weighting and then the scores were entered in a cross-matrix to determine the effectiveness and impact of each in the framework of Mic Mac software.
Results and discussion
The most important purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the instability of the northern neighborhoods of the historical-cultural contexts of Tabriz, of which 15 factors were identified as key variables out of 39 factors. The results of this study showed that among the factors, managerial factors play an important role and social, economic, physical and environmental factors are in the next rank, respectively. Therefore, the result of this research is in line with the results of the research of Hook et al, Who believe that in the city, not only the physical dimensions but also the broad social relations and institutional dimensions of sustainability should be emphasized; Correspond. And with Stanjelia research, which describes the dimensions of different levels of decision-making and considers the decision support system to be effective in defining alternative scenarios, and leads government officials to select the most performance in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability; Is consistent. But with the research of Pourahmad et al, Who believe that instability is the economic dimension of the tissue, which leads to instability of other dimensions of the tissue, and finally manifests itself in the form of physical instability. It is not consistent because in this research there are management institutions that have had the greatest impact on the economic and physical dimensions.Therefore, the following solutions are suggested:- Considering the outcome of the hierarchy of communication networks in the study area by service (tourism, recreation), social and economic communications. - Grounding the presence of all actors, especially the local community - Capacity building and management based on expertise - Enhancing the cooperative institutional capacities of all actors by using the capacities of local institutions (formal and informal) including religious boards, mosques' trustees, voluntary organizations and non-governmental organizations, etc. as social leaders; Because in the current situation, the creation of new structures not only does not improve the process of cooperative governance, but also means increasing the number of inter-institutional conflicts. In contrast, the reform of processes and procedures as institutional contexts for the realization of urban regeneration with a collaborative approach and based on interaction between different actors based on their role, tasks and performance can provide the basis for cooperative governance in urban regeneration management.- Considering the inefficiencies and challenges in socio-economic dimensions and its manifestation in physical dimensions in these neighborhoods, the presence of government institutions and the public sector in this process and financial support, especially in providing public services and creating legal support are necessary.
In this study, after identifying the variables affecting the regeneration of urban sustainability in the study area, a questionnaire was prepared as a 39  ⃰ 39 matrix. The questionnaire is arranged in such a way that variables of the rows affect the variables of the columns; So the row variables are affected and the column variables are affected. Therefore, the relationship of each variable to each other is quantified and with numbers from 0 to 3, the number zero means no relationship, the number one means a weak relationship, the number two means moderate relationship and the number three has a strong relationship. Depending on which part of the matrix the sum of the values of the matrix is located; 5 categories of variables can be identified. Zone 1: Input Variables, zone 2: Intermdiate Variables, zone 3: Resultant Variables, zone 4: Excluded Variables, zone 5: Cluster variables – indeterminate. In this study, the dispersion pattern generally indicates the status of an unstable system. The propellants are generally positioned around the diagonal axis in a similar position. So that the selected propellants have a lot of scattered action and reaction to each other. Basis in this study: out of 39 factors, 2 economic factors (employment and inflation), 4 social factors (literacy, people's desire to live, net population density, social capital), 3 physical factors (determining land use using standards on Basis of general practical goals and community perspectives, hierarchy, level of satisfaction with parking situation), 1 environmental factor (green space per capita) and 5 management factors (management style, centralization of government offices and centers in the capital, performance of regulatory bodies, tax laws And government budget allocation) are involved in the instability of the study area. Examining the rank values of direct and indirect relationships of key variables indicates that the rank values of the direct effects of key variables on indirect effects are repeated with little change.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Urban Reconstruction
  • Sustainable Development
  • Historical-Cultural Context
  • Futurology
  • Tabriz
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