تبیین نقش شاخص های کیفیت زندگی در تحقق شهر خلاق در فضاهای شهری (مطالعه موردی: شهر تبریز)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار، جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه زنجان، زنجان، ایران.

2 دانشجوی دکتری، گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم انسانی دانشگاه زنجان، زنجان، ایران.

3 کارشناسی ارشد، گروه جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی و اقتصاد دانشگاه پیام نور تهران، تهران، ایران.


امروزه کیفیت مکان زندگی، از مهمترین حوزه های پژوهش های برنامه ریزی فضایی است به دلیل تاثیرگذاری روز افزون بر دیگر ویژگی های شهری همچون خلاقیت در شهر ها و به عنوان ابزاری کارآمد در برنامه ریزی است. چرا که شهر های خلاق مراکزی هستند که ویژگی‌های منحصر به فردی را در خود جای داده اند و محیطی جذاب برای فعالیت و زندگی افراد متخصص، هنرمند، پژوهشگر و در یک کلام افراد خلاق فراهم می سازند. هدف پژوهش حاضر نیز تحلیل تأثیر مؤلفه های کیفیت زندگی بر تحقق شهر خلاق در شهر تبریز است لذا از نظر هدف از نوع کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت و روش پژوهش از نوع ترکیبی کیفی - کمی است. بخش کیفی شامل شناسایی مؤلفه های تاثیرگذار کیفیت زندگی بر تحقق شهر خلاق از طریق بررسی مبانی نظری و تئور یک پژوهش است. در بخش کمی با استفاده از مدل تحلیل معادلات ساختاری و روش تحلیل مسیر در نرم افزار PLS نوع مؤلفه ها با توجه به اثرگذاری و اثرپذیری بر سایر مؤلفه ها مشخص شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد مقادیر تمام بارهای فاکتورها از 0.5 بیشتر است که مقیاس بسیار قابل قبولی برای محاسبه متغیرهای پنهان مدل مقیاس است و مؤلفه کالبدی – زیست محیطی با ضریب 367/0 و مؤلفه تسهیلات شهری با 312/0 و اجتماعی – فرهنگی با ضریب 292/0 بیشترین تأثیر را در ارتقای خلاقیت در شهر تبریز دارند. همچنین مؤلفه دسترسی با ضریب 241/0 و مؤلفه اقتصادی با وزن 136/0 کم ترین تأثیر را در ارتقای خلاقیت در شهر دارند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Explain the role of quality of life indicators in the realization of a creative city in urban spaces (Case study: Tabriz city)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hossein tahmasebi Moghadam 1
  • Zahra zahrarasoulzadeh 2
  • Ahmad Rezai 3
1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
2 PhD Student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.
3 Sc, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Today, quality of life is one of the most significant areas of research in urban planning. Its increasing influence on other urban characteristics, such as creativity in cities, makes it an effective tool in planning. Creative cities are centers that encompass unique features and provide an attractive environment for the activities and lives of professionals, artists, researchers, and, broadly speaking, creative individuals. This study aims to analyze the impact of quality of life components on the realization of a creative city in Tabriz. Therefore, the research is applied in nature and employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling and path analysis through the PLS software, which determined the impact and interrelationship of components. For sampling, experts and elites were chosen using an accessible method based on scientific experience, willingness, and capability to participate in the research. To assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, both the formal and construct (factor) validity methods, as well as Cronbach’s alpha test, were utilized. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the two constructs was obtained above 0.7, indicating desirable convergent validity of the questionnaire. The results show that all factor loadings exceed 0.5, which is a very acceptable scale for calculating latent variables in the model. Among the components, the physical-environmental component with a coefficient of 0.367, the urban facilities component with a coefficient of 0.312, and the socio-cultural component with a coefficient of 0.292 have the greatest impact on enhancing creativity in the metropolitan area of Tabriz. Conversely, the accessibility component with a coefficient of 0.241 and the economic component with a weight of 0.136 have the least impact on fostering creativity in the city.
Extended Abstract
One of the principal manifestations of creativity in cities is their spatial context. The relationship between creativity and urban spaces is both intrinsic and multidimensional. Creative places and spaces are crucial to the creative development of cities. In such cities, urban areas become attractive environments for studying, working, and retaining the city’s elite, while also enhancing the quality of life, resilience, and lifestyle. This necessitates a focus on elites and specialists in urban planning, urban management, and related fields. The primary distinction of this study from others addressing quality of life and creative cities lies in its examination of the role of quality of life in the realization of a creative city. Tabriz, with its significant urban features such as markets and cultural sites, attracts a diverse population, including the city’s creative classes. This situation demands both physical and functional planning to create the necessary public spaces. As a metropolis engaged with globalization, Tabriz must evolve its existing infrastructure to provide new contexts that facilitate its development into a creative city. Conversely, high-quality living conditions across various indicators can significantly enhance the city's capacity to attract and foster creativity.
The present study adopts a descriptive approach utilizing structural equation modeling. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS20 and Smart PLS3 software. For sampling experts and elites, a convenient sampling method was employed, considering scientific experience, willingness, and ability to participate in the research. In the quantitative analysis, structural equation modeling and path analysis in PLS software were used to determine the types of components based on their impact and effectiveness on other components. To evaluate the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, both formal and structural (factor) validity methods were applied. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha test, with the coefficient exceeding 0.7 for both constructs, indicating good convergent validity. The components examined in this research include those related to the creative city and quality of life. Component selection was based on the opinions of experts in the fields of creative cities and quality of life, theoretical foundations, and input from university professors. Consequently, five primary components of quality of life were identified: economic, social, physical-environmental, access, and urban facilities. Additionally, four components of a creative city were determined: creative class and local facilities, diversity, research-development and technology, and global factors.
Results and discussion
Based on the confirmatory factor analysis model, all explicit indicators exhibit a strong relationship with their corresponding latent variables. Specifically, satisfaction with the distribution of bus and taxi stations, satisfaction with family respect, and access to educational centers have the highest relationships among their latent variables, with values of 0.941, 0.941, and 0.897, respectively.
The path coefficient model demonstrates the presence of a linear causal relationship, as well as the intensity and direction of this relationship between pairs of latent variables. This is akin to the standard regression coefficients observed in simple and multiple regression models. The results show that all factor loadings exceed 0.5, which is considered a very acceptable threshold for calculating latent variables in the model. Among the components, the physical-environmental component (coefficient = 0.367), urban facilities component (coefficient = 0.312), and socio-cultural component (coefficient = 0.292) have the greatest impact on promoting creativity in the city of Tabriz. Conversely, the access component (coefficient = 0.241) and the economic component (coefficient = 0.136) have the least impact on enhancing creativity. The physical-environmental component, with a coefficient of 0.367, has the most substantial effect, followed by the urban and socio-cultural facilities components. Factors within the physical-environmental component, such as satisfaction with the residential neighborhood, street conditions, traffic, green spaces, and environmental health, significantly contribute to increasing urban creativity in Tabriz. Additionally, there is a significant relationship between the independent and dependent variables of the research, with a significance level of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. The coefficient for the effect of the quality of life variable on the creativity variable in Tabriz is 0.908, indicating that the quality of life—assessed through 30 observable indicators—has a substantial impact on the city's creativity.
The concept of a "creative city" represents a modern approach to strategic urban planning. Its primary value lies in directing the efforts of urban residents towards enhancing the city's excellence and achieving sustainable development. This theory uniquely integrates the insights of social scientists, sociologists, and urban planners to drive urban transformation. The creative city model can be seen as a progressive initiative that transitions urban areas from a static state to a dynamic one, emphasizing simultaneous attention to technology, infrastructure, production sectors, and human resources. In contemporary creative cities, the benefits of improving quality of life are considered fundamental. Therefore, based on the research findings, it is evident that enhancing quality of life is crucial for fostering urban creativity in Tabriz. This research aims to assist managers and stakeholders in identifying key factors that require focus and in guiding their efforts to overcome existing barriers.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Quality of life
  • creative city
  • structural equations
  • Tabriz city
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