تحلیلی بر بازآفرینی بافت محله تاریخی سنگ سیاه شهر شیراز با استفاده از تحلیل ترکیبی ALM-Gis

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد یار جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری دانشگاه پیام نور، ایران

2 دانشجو کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری

3 دانشیار، جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان، اصفهان، ایران


بازآفرینی شهری به مفهوم احیاء، تجدید حیات و نوزایی شـهری و بـه عبـارتی دوبـاره زنـده شـدن شـهری اسـت. در بازآفرینی شهری، توسعه شهری به مفهوم رشد کمی عناصر کالبدی شـهر بـرای اسکان جمعیت و ارتقای کیفیت زندگی، در قالب طرحهای توسعه شهری رخ خواهـد داد. هدف مقاله‌ی حاضر انجام تحلیل بر بازآفرینی بافت تاریخی محله سنگ سیاه شهر شیراز است لذا قلمرو پژوهش بافت محله سنگ سیاه شهر شیراز است. این محله دارای بافت تاریخی و جمعیت متراکم است که از وضعیت نامناسب کالبدی برخوردار است. این محله دارای 12 کوی با جمعیتی معادل 13755 نفر و 13663 ساختمان مسکونی با مساحت 2972 هکتار است. این پژوهش به لحاظ هدف کاربردی و از لحاظ ماهیت توصیفی ـ تحلیلی است. متغیرهای‌های مورد مطالعه در آن اسکلت ساختمان، جنس مصالح،، تعداد طبقات، دانه‌بندی، قدمت ساختمان، نفوذپذیری، کیفیت ابنیه و تعداد واحد است. در این مقاله شاخص‌های باز آفرینی در 6 دسته و با ابزار پرسشنامه و نمونه گیری از 359 نفر تحلیل شدند. برای وزن دهی به لایه‌ها در داده‌های فضایی از روش خودهمبستگی فضایی موجود در نرم افزارGeoda استفاده شد. همچنین برای بررسی توزیع فضایی اولویت‌بندی باز آفرینی بافت محله سنگ سیاه از روش خودهمبستگی فضایی موران(Anselin local Morans) در نرم افزار ArcGIS استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان داد که در محدوده بافت؛ 9/9994 هکتار یعنی 63/33 در وضعیت مقاومت خیلی پایین قرار دارد. نتایج حاصل از تجزیه و تحلیل آزمون پارامتریک نشان داد که شاخص حکمروایی و شاخص برنامه ریزی با میانگین(41/3=Mean) و (55/2=Mean) به ترتیب بالاترین و پایین ترین شاخص هستند که این وضعیت نشان از وضعیت نامناسب بافت محله سنگ سیاه دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An analysis on the regeneration of the texture of the historical neighborhood of Sang-e Siah in Shiraz using ALM-Gis combined analysis

نویسندگان [English]

  • mahdi Ebrahimi 1
  • alireza dehdarifard 2
  • Reza Mokhtari Malekabadi 3
1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Iran
2 StudentMaster student of Geography and Urban Planning
3 Associate Professor, Depatment of Geography, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.
چکیده [English]

Urban regenrate means resurgence and urban rebirth, in other words, urban revitalization. In urban regeneration, urban development in the sense of quantitative growth of the physical elements of the city to accommodate the population and improve the quality of life, will occur in the form of urban development plans. The purpose of this article is to analyze the reconstruction of the historical context of the Sang-e Siyah neighborhood of Shiraz, so the scope of research is its texture. This neighborhood has a historical texture and a dense population that is in poor physical condition. This neighborhood has 12 alleys with a population of 13755 people and 13663 residential buildings with an area of 2972 hectares. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The studied variables in it are building structure, material, number of floors, granulation, building age, permeability, building quality and number of extraction units. In this paper, regeneration indices were analyzed in 6 categories using a questionnaire and sampling of 359 people. To weight the layers in the spatial data, the spatial autocorrelation method in Geoda software was used. Anselin local Morans method in ArcGIS software has also been used to investigate the spatial distribution of prioritizing the regeneration of the texture of the Sang-e Siyah neighborhood. The results show that within the tissue range; 33.63% of 9/9994 hectares is in very low resistance condition.The results of parametric test analysis showed that the highest and lowest means are (Mean = 2.55) in the governance index and (Mean = 3.41) in the planning index, respectively, which indicates an inappropriate situation in the texture of the black stone neighborhood. Keywords: Regeneration, Resilience, Physical tissue, Black stone, ALM-Gis
Extended Abstract
Like any other man-made phenomenon, the city is doomed to change and evolution, and its stillness and cessation will lead to nothing but decline and eventual death. Over time, following urban developments, the dimensions and composition of urban settlements have become increasingly complex, and if human manipulation in cities does not have the necessary prudence, instability will appear in urban ecosystems. One of the unfavorable changes in cities that occur due to the passage of time and lack of timely action of urban and national management is the deterioration of urban structures, which ultimately leads to instability in the physical and functional dimensions of ancient urban structures. If no solution is found for these instabilities, and at the same time natural or man-made disasters occur, irreparable damages are imposed on citizens in terms of life and money, some of which will be irrecoverable. In addition, we know that worn-out urban tissues, because they are not built for the present age, are not able to meet the more diverse and new human needs, and this obviously reduces the quality of life in these tissues and creates serious problems for people living in them. In recent years, various approaches such as improvement, renovation, reconstruction and regeneration, etc. have been proposed to revive and update worn-out tissues. Of course, the most complete of them is the urban regeneration approach. Urban regeneration means urban revitalization and resurgence, in other words, urban revitalization means urban renewal. In urban regeneration, the evolution of the physical elements of the city to accommodate the population and improve the quality of life occurs in the form of urban development plans. In this article, considering the special position of Shiraz metropolis and its importance from different dimensions among the cities of Iran, and long history and importance of historical context of Sang-e-Siah neighborhood, because of its ups and downs it has always had in Shiraz, this neighborhood was considered as a study. In this regard, the most important question is from what dimensions and how much erosion does the Sang-e-Siah neighborhood of Shiraz suffer from, and what are the obstacles and problems in the way of re-creating this neighborhood, and what solutions and suggestions are prioritized in re-creating the neighborhood?
The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The field of research is the texture of the Sang-e Siah neighborhood of Shiraz. This neighborhood has a historical texture and a dense population that has an unfavorable physical and social condition. This neighborhood, which is located in the 8th district of Shiraz, has an area of ​​2972 ​​hectares and consists of 12 alleys, with 13755 populations in 13663 residential buildings. To identify the degree of erosion in the sang-e siah neighborhood texture, the variables such as building structure, material, number of floors, granulation, building age, permeability, building quality and number of units are studied. Regeneration indicators, in this article, are in 6 categories including adaptation, recovery, improvement, resilience, planning and readiness and governance, and the level of satisfaction of every one of them was measured in the form of questionnaires. The sample size in this study was 359 using Cochran's formula. Questionnaires were distributed by random sampling method and then data were collected. The layer weighting method was used to investigate and detect the spatial pattern fatigue. In this regard, the technique of spatial autocorrelation in Geoda software was used. Anselin local Morans method in ArcGIS software has also been used to investigate the spatial distribution of prioritizing of the regeneration of the Sang-e Siah neighborhood texture.
Results and discussion
Based on the results of this study, it was found that 91.69% of residential buildings texture in Sang-e Siah neighborhood of Shiraz has low strength and no skeleton; 91.66% of the texture are made of materials such as brick and cement; 91.23% of the existing buildings are one floor; 94.17% of the existing buildings have an area of ​​400 square meters and more; 96.59% of the buildings are in the group of more than 30 years old; 96.58% of residential units have access to passages with a width of less than 6 meters and 89.42% of the existing buildings in Sang-e Siah neighborhood have a destructive quality and 92.24% of residential buildings have been four units and less. The results of the study of the average indicators of adaptation, recovery, improvement, resilience, planning and readiness and governance showed that among the mentioned indicators, only the average number of planning index with an average (Mean = 3.41) higher than the hypothetical average (number 3) and the rest are less than the assumed average. The results of this study also showed that in the tissue range; only about 15% of the buildings are in a position between quite strong to relatively strong, and the rest are in the range of relatively low to very low resistance, which indicates that the physical texture of the neighborhood requires immediate and necessary planning to increase strength and resilience of buildings.
Reconstruction as a new approach means revitalization, rebirth, resurgence, and regrowth, which has been widely considered since 1995 as an alternative to urban renewal in the world's urban literature. Urban regeneration includes comprehensive and integrated approaches and measures to guide the process of sustainable urban growth and development in order to improve the quality of urban life and improve the livability of cities. The urban regeneration approach tries to reverse the process of urban change and decline by taking advantage of broad public participation and spending the least budget; restores social life and economic prosperity of the worn-out texture. According to this study, the most important problems and issues of Sang-e-Siah neighborhood are: excessive extent of physical tissue erosion and high speed of erosion process; the existence of a large part of the immigrant and non-native population, and the low socio-economic status of its residents. In the present study, the resilience of the neighborhood texture and the regeneration status of the Sang-e Siah neighborhood texture based on the extracted indicators were investigated. The results show that this neighborhood is facing a very unfavorable situation in terms of sustainability and regeneration indicators.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Regeneration
  • Historical texture
  • Black Stone Neighborhood
  • Shiraz City
  • ALM-Gis
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